She Who Consumes : Graciousness and The Purification of the Feminine Heart 

I am on a journey of being deeply purified in my consciousness and in my heart. It is as Michael Beckwith so brilliantly says: a MOTHERTRUCKER. 

I am being 'asked' to cultivate an excruciatingly detailed energetic inventory of all the ways I have been in unconscious consent with and to people, external expressions of authority, thought-forms and morphic fields.  

It requires facing the subtle shadows within my own Being in ever deepening ways and making (sometimes very difficult choices) to move away from 'fields'-- both individual auric + collectively morphic -- that are no longer in highest service to my own Remembrance. 

One place of terrestrial density I very recently touched in my Being is one of a specific frequency of lack of Graciousness. 

This of course is PERFECT in its irony and paradox as I *TEACH* the woefully lost art of Feminine Graciousness.  (I'm just going to keep cutting off the legs of the symbolic “teacher pedestal” every chance I get....these internal mechanics are important for everyone -- especially women -- to SEE and understand.) 

Lack of Feminine graciousness is not just a lack of refinement or etiquette -- it is darker than that. 

It is a very normalized and encoded way that women collude with one another to WITHHOLD THEIR LOVE -- from men *and* other women alike. 

Graciousness has *nothing* to do with being "nice" -- nor is it mutually exclusive with frequencies such as Feminine fierceness -- there is a time and place for EACH and ALL purified expressions of the Feminine. 

Here is a very 'conventional reality' example of how this lack of graciousness can sometimes show up for me, that I have recently both witnessed in myself and in many of the women in my field. 

There are times I read content or watch videos (in the realm of social media) that offer and create value or meaning for me. 

I take in....I consume....and then leave without an acknowledgement....*yet more full than when I arrived*. 

This is shitty -- and thankfully, rare on my part - but certainly STILL occurs. 

When I consume without participating in an energetic circuitry of sharing my appreciation or gratitude, it means that I am moving too fast, stuck in the density or story of my ego, or unconsciously choosing to feed to fill some place within me that *I am not being responsible for tending*. 

Social Media is densely imprinted with many frequencies which could be called "Luciferian" -- places of inversions, energetic reversals and behavioral patterns we have collectively normalized in super creepy internet terms like "lurking" + "trolls" -- and those 'qualities' are straight-up CORRUPTIVE to the beauty of the Feminine heart. 

This also doesn't mean that anyone is entitled to a single second or micro-droplet of my attention ~ but when I CHOOSE to flow my attention into a specific field, take in its succulence or brilliance, and then don't bring my consciousness and heart into a coherent moment of APPRECIATION, this increasingly feels energetically stingy, consumptive, and subtly vampiric. (Occupational hazard of Feminine awakening: what you could get away with not being conscious of at one point in time is now illuminated very potently through CONTRAST of the Purification of the Heart.) 

When I take without honoring -- especiallllllly from women -- I am siphoning the very energy I AM. And this will be holographically imprinted through ALL THAT I CREATE.  

We receive what we BE. 

(Little clarifying note:  I *majorly* curate what I expose my consciousness to on social media so this may not *look* at all different for me -- although the feeling tone will be deeply shifted into one of graciousness + generosity. Its not about something needing to LOOK a certain needs to FEEL a certain way.) 

So as I unfurl this layer of my own ungraciousness one dimension deeper within my own heart awakening and Beingness, I am also cultivating my (private) fields to be living expressions of Feminine graciousness. 

This will never be a swampy, descended energetic appreciation cuddle puddle (because that would legit make me throw up a little bit -- this is where I thank the Gods for having just the perfect anointing of Avoidant Attachment frequencies 😎) ~ AND/BUT ~ I am requiring that there is an energetic circuitry of cultivating the long lost art of GRACIOUSNESS....and when it comes to the frequencies of my fields, the part of me that is energetic Priestess-meets-Truffle-Pig, does not MISS A DAMN THING. 👁

⛪️ An Invitation to G-Church: 

I have recently begun a private FB group for women inside their own journeys of Feminine awakening.  Its highly curated on my part, and one of the key energetic signatures that I *require* in this field of elite Feminine Creatrixes is their capacity to organically emit graciousness (alongside their bad-ass brilliance, Eros, and willingness to go deep into the hinterlands of Feminine awakening.)

Its brand new for me....begun just days before the passing of our sweet-galactic-Being-in-the-form-of-a-dog-named-Roxie, so my first ever solo livestream is a bit drenched in tears. 

Livestream 02  ("The Ladder of Masculine Abstraction"🌞) occurred Sunday night and was thankfully tearless. 

Livestream 03 of G-Church will be a celebration of the Shiva principle within the Masculine -- the rightful and necessary archetypal Death Blow that Men deliver unto the Awakening Feminine aspect of Women IN SERVICE to the fullness of her Resurrection (into POWER.) 

If you'd like to join us, here’s the link.

My team has been schooled in curating for a very specific tone -- so if you have been *singularly* consumptive in my fields, I will respectfully say that this is likely not the place for you.

image credit: Mark Pillai